It is evident that mere passing of the board exams even with distinction may not be sufficient to enter into a reputed course / Institute of our choice. Lakhs of students across the country are competing for few seats of Engineering, Science, Medical & other premier courses offered at Indian Institute of Technologies (IIT), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, National Institute of Technologies (NIT), All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi & other leading Medical Colleges, National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) etc. The demand for these courses is very high at National and International levels and thereby the competitions are too high and require higher level training. Though these courses are after 11th & 12th standards, the training at this level is not sufficient. The students require training from very early stages of their science learning, preferably from class 6/7 onwards with focus on aptitude of scientific temperament, basic understanding of scientific concepts and problem solving abilities of higher standards.

With this background, the 'Science Foundation Course' has been initiated at Swamy, Vivekananda Rural education Society at Chandapura to train the students at class 7,8, 9 and 10th standards of any syllabus (State / CBSE/CSE). The training course will be conducted by experienced expert faculty without disturbing the student's normal school timings /proceedings.